
An inviting but robust new beachside amenities block nestles into its parkland surround, with a roof rising to greet the sea.


The Brief

Council wanted a welcoming friendly building that created community identity. Heritage guidelines meant the proposal had to be secondary to the historic parkland setting opposite the beach.

The Design

The three-sided plan addresses the street, sports field, and Botanic Gardens, allowing casual supervision which discourages anti social behaviour.

The skillion roof rises to meet the beach, housing a screened verandah and seating which give the building an approachable public face.

The project was an opportunity to work proactively with the contractor and client in material selection and adaptability on site to minimize waste. This was additional to the standard ESD inclusions of water tanks, low voltage lighting and re-use of demolished materials.

The Materials

Materials of galvanised steel and oiled timber are honest and unadorned. As the building gently ages its palette sits at one with the surround; this little building looks like it was always meant to be there.

Client Feedback

From the project manager:

It is great to see that a humble toilet block can be a decent building in a sensitive location

Congratulations Robinson Architecture; you have done a great job on this modest building

The building responds to the landscape.
  • CommercialPublic

    A fresh new amenities block located on the water’s edge draws on the nautical surround.